Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The End

Well it has taken a lot longer than I expected to complete all of these tasks, I have found working on them at work to be very hard and you don't get enough time and many distractions to complete the tasks, so I try to do them at home but of course you have to juggle family time as well. I have also found that it is not that well instructed for some people, more directions and information would have been more beneficial.
Some of the tasks were very useful, eg. simply being able to create a blog, using flickr and generally having some fun. I don't know how much of it I will retain as doing it once over such a long time doesn't work well for me. Anyway it was a good learning experience and well done to all of those out there who managed to win prizes along the way, I'm sure it was a great incentive.

podcasts and Audio Books

Well it has been a long time since I have made an entry into my blog, I started working on podcasts several weeks ago but ran into a bit of trouble trying to add it to my blog and then I went away for a holiday and now am trying to get all of the outstanding tasks complete. I have managed to add a link for Island records for those who are interested in finding out about their favourite singers.
I have also that a look at the audio books and found it very interesting, it is a very useful tool to have access to, it means people who are not mobile are able to access these audio books at the click of a mouse and not having to go out to the library all the time. I personally prefer to read a book but maybe when I am old and my eye sight is not so good, audio books would be the way to go.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

You Tube

I placed the music clip of Pink "Dear Mr President" a while ago. This is a very controversial song but I seem to be listening to this cd in my car at the moment, I must be having a mid-life crisis or something!!!! It is funny how we seem to have "favourites" at a certain time and then never listen to them again.

Monday, November 12, 2007

WEB 2.0 Awards

I have been looking at the comments about the Winners of the Web 2.0 Awards. I found this very interesting especially reading some of the comments, the information that it written in here is very informative. Obviously it is up to the individual and their opinions, which means that not all the comments are favourable but at least it gives up information (whether good or bad) before you experience it for yourself.

ZOHO Writer

Well its been a while since I have written anything in my blog, I wonder if it is because I am busy or !!!!!!!.
I created my signin for ZOHO last week but am now finally going to write about it. This is a very interesting concept. I can see that it would be very advantagous to the "business user" or "cyber user", basically someone who travels alot and has access to the internet, so that they can input and retrieve data at the click of a button.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Learning 2.0 Sandbox Wiki

I have been having a play with Learning 2.0 Sandbox Wiki and found it a little confusing at first. I have finally got to the editing screen where I need to add my blog name to the bottom but are unable as this page is currently locked by another user, so I will have to try and a little later on.
Well I finally managed to get in and add my blogger name under Brimbank Libraries. I found it a bit of a misson but once I did it, it was pretty straight forward, I think the instructions about putting the brackets around the url caused the main problem because I used the insert url option.

Friday, October 26, 2007


I think I am on a bit of a roll again trying to get thru all of this wonderful information that we are learning.

The next task is Wiki's, from playing around and reading the other comments made about this feature, there are alot of benefits to it but there are also some disadvantages. The one main disadvantage is that they are able to be editted, that is good if the correct information is being put in but not so good if the wrong information is being added or entered as this give people incorrect resources.

Library 2.0 and Web 2.0

I have been reading the information on Library 2.0 and Web 2.0 by the five Librarians. I found it interesting that there were photo's of each of these of these people and that four out of the five were male and only one female. I also found that age range interesting.
All of them were very positive about this new way that the libraries are going and that it is an everchanging environment and that we need to keep with the play or be left behind.
I like the term "Row your library boat into the Web 2.0 environment" by Rick Anderson, as he says we are all rowing pretty heroically but "icebergs" get in our way and threaten our progress. We all have to keep up and not get sunk by these "Icebergs"!!!!!!

More and More on Technorati

Well it is Friday afternoon and I have managed to get the icon on my blog for technorati thanks to a bit of help from Crissy. (Thank you). I can finish the week knowing that I have completed this weeks tasks and are ready to move on to the next challenge that awaits us!!!!
I have just been bitterly disappointed and realised that I have not finished I still have to do the task on Library 2.0 and Web 2.0. I don't have time now but I will try and do it soon.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

More Technorati

I have been playing around a bit more with Technorati and have managed to add a link but have not worked out how to add it as an icon yet but I will keep playing and having fun.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Well it's been a week since I have posted anything, I have been very busy and having trouble working out this topic. Some of the delay was that I couldn't get on to the site at work to register as I was being blocked by webmarshal. I had to ring IT to get it sorted now I have finally managed to register but are unable to search as am still getting blocked. This slows down the learning process, but thanks to Anthony at IT who was very helpful and unblockeded the site for me.
I have had a play with searching and looking at the other blogs and seeing what people have added as tags. I thought I would have a bit of fun and add this video of Pink's song Dear Mr President.
I did a search on Technorati for Luv2Shop and two results, none of them were mine so I searched my blog name and of course got one result - mine and I was ranked 8,911,336.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Well with a bit of persistance and determination I have manged to add websites to this site, I have really enjoyed doing this and can see that there is a lot of benefit and time saving by having them there ready and available.

I am trying to work out how to do this next task, but seem to be having trouble with the internet, it is very slow and very fustrating, so I am going to spent some time having a bit of a look around and playing and post something a little later at home.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Shop Till U Drop

We have been doing this blogging thing for a few weeks now I have realised that I have not made an entry relating to my blog name.
Well yesterday I did some serious shopping, I spent the day at DFO in Essendon, and there were many bargins to be found there. I was like a little child in a candy shop, my eyes lit up with the words being displayed on the front of the shops "Sale - up to 80% off".
I walked out off there like the people on the ads with lots of bags from the designer shops. It was even better because I did not have anyone nagging at me "Can we go home now" or "Do you really need that" or "Don't you think you have spent enough". All you other shoppers out there am sure would be able to relate to those comments.
The next task I have is to find somewhere to put it all and maybe clean out the wardrobe again!!!

Library Thing and Rollyo

Another one done!!! With a bit of persistance and a bit of help from friends I managed to complete the task. There is alot of satisfaction when the task is completed. You always think it is a lot harder that it actually is. I am really enjoying learning all of this new technology and seeing what is capable of being done. With time and persistance you can become become addicative to this.

Well on to the next task!!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Rollyo and Library Thing

I am sitting here late at night trying to work out how to use these features, obviously I have not done it correctly as they do not look like others. It is time to go to bed now but I will try and work it out correctly tomorrow.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Play Week - Online Image Generator

Time to have some fun!!!! I have just spent a long time looking at all of the options that are available, there is go many fun ones to choose from but I have finally decided to add The Garfield Comic Strip Generator to my blog for playing with. I hope you have fun with this as well.

RSS Feeds

Yahoo!!!! I have finally done it. I found finding a RSS feed with the correct URL a bit difficult but I managed to put my daily horoscope and the current Melbourne weather on my blog.

I am now looking forward to the next challenge!!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

RSS, Bloglines and Other Stuff

Well I am still trying to get my head around all of this new stuff. I seem to spend all of my time here at work reading through all of the information and listening to the pod casts but then run out of time to publish anything on my blog. So I have decided that I will have to try and arrange my time at home abit better and concentrate on getting my blog up-to-date.
I can see all of these wonderful things that can be done but it is getting them published on my blog that seems to be a problem for me. So watch this space!!!!!

New Addition To The Family

On the weekend it was my daughter's 14th birthday and here is a photo of her present, a precious little addition to the Family.

Her name is "Olly" and she is 9 weeks old and if you haven't guessed it already she is a Maltese-Shitzu and very, very cute.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Using Flickr - My Dream Holiday

For many years this is one place I have always wanted to visit, (I don't think I need to tell you where it is). I guess it is classed as the city of romance and for a lot of us women out there that it what we like to have. I was of course upset when my 16 year old son got to go before me, but it is still a dream I have and hopefully when the kids have left home I will be able to go and enjoy!!!!
Here are some pictures to help me save and keep dreaming!!!!

My Favourite Books

Hi all, another entry into my blog. I thought I would share with you the books I am currently reading. I have not been a big reader for many years due to lack of time and !!!!!!! (all the other excuses). I used to read books by Virgina Andrews when I was young and have recently started reading Jodi Picoult books after watching the movie "The Pact" based on her book.

I am reading Picture Perfect at the moment, which is very strange and interesting at the same time. Those of you who have read her books will be aware of her style of writing and that some of the stories are very sad and a bit depressing, but I am enjoying them.

Here are some images of her books:-

Monday, September 24, 2007

Another Post in the exciting world of blogging!!!!!

Hi all it has been a very busy weekend and thought it was time to catch up on some blogging. Friday night was the big game of footy - sorry to all of those Magpies supporters out there but the Cats were just too good.

The winning streak went on for my daughter who won her grand final in the womens hockey team for Melton against Essendon. It was a close game just as exciting as the footy game on Friday night.

Yesterday I took my daughter to the show to off course get ripped off buying show bags and other stuff - but I suppose it was still a fun day out.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Week 2 Blogging

This is my first entry to my world of bogging. The hardest part was to think of a name, but I have finally done it with a little bit of help from an inspiring team member. Thank you.

I can see by the existing bloggs that people are having fun and getting addicated to it. I hope that I will have as much fun at adding stuff as they seem to.

Until next time.