Friday, October 26, 2007

Library 2.0 and Web 2.0

I have been reading the information on Library 2.0 and Web 2.0 by the five Librarians. I found it interesting that there were photo's of each of these of these people and that four out of the five were male and only one female. I also found that age range interesting.
All of them were very positive about this new way that the libraries are going and that it is an everchanging environment and that we need to keep with the play or be left behind.
I like the term "Row your library boat into the Web 2.0 environment" by Rick Anderson, as he says we are all rowing pretty heroically but "icebergs" get in our way and threaten our progress. We all have to keep up and not get sunk by these "Icebergs"!!!!!!

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