Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The End

Well it has taken a lot longer than I expected to complete all of these tasks, I have found working on them at work to be very hard and you don't get enough time and many distractions to complete the tasks, so I try to do them at home but of course you have to juggle family time as well. I have also found that it is not that well instructed for some people, more directions and information would have been more beneficial.
Some of the tasks were very useful, eg. simply being able to create a blog, using flickr and generally having some fun. I don't know how much of it I will retain as doing it once over such a long time doesn't work well for me. Anyway it was a good learning experience and well done to all of those out there who managed to win prizes along the way, I'm sure it was a great incentive.

podcasts and Audio Books

Well it has been a long time since I have made an entry into my blog, I started working on podcasts several weeks ago but ran into a bit of trouble trying to add it to my blog and then I went away for a holiday and now am trying to get all of the outstanding tasks complete. I have managed to add a link for Island records for those who are interested in finding out about their favourite singers.
I have also that a look at the audio books and found it very interesting, it is a very useful tool to have access to, it means people who are not mobile are able to access these audio books at the click of a mouse and not having to go out to the library all the time. I personally prefer to read a book but maybe when I am old and my eye sight is not so good, audio books would be the way to go.